Saturday, 16 July 2011

Kiara Carnival - Race Day 1 - Sesi Ujian Kelayakan

'Rippin' the trails'. Najme, Ian and the who? during the heats of 18-30 category. Photo by jason koh
Bahang perlumbaan basikal lasak di Kiara sudah pun bermula dengan berbagai aksi hari pertama, pada sesi ujian kelayakan bagi kategori 18-30.

Acara pembuka tirai "Kidz Ride". Alex jr., last year defending champs  ready to rumble. Photo by jason koh
Acara telah bermula seawal pukul 8.30 pagi, dengan acara 'Ride Carnival' ala jamboree untuk riders yang gemarkan acara kayuhan santai, 'Kidz Ride' menyusul sehingga kira-kira pukul 11 pagi sebelum acara 'Woman Sport', 'Youth' dan '18 - 30 heats' menyusul pada sebelah petang.

'Woman Sport Category firing their pedal to the metal with guts'. Photo by jason koh
More actions from the trails.

2nd place, Jane powering the 'bypass'. Photo by jason koh

'Supermum'. 4th place, our correspondent, Mazlina from Singurltrek!. Photo by jason koh
Another Singurtrek! racer fighting for the 6th place. Photo by  jason koh
'miami heat in kiara'. Photo by jason koh

Due Roda Extreme Bianchi's Team, Adib cranking up to the 'office'. 

Azwan being towed by Ian.

w2 ace, Mr Haziq with the new Scale 30, hot from TBF's

Salute! w2's Boss qualified ayye..despite the fact he actually stop at 1 of the swithcback due to azan waktu Asar. "baru la naik haji namanya". 

Singlespeedo + rigid maniac. Kudos!

'the last supertight swithcback'

'scale 30 bread n' butter'
Giant's Awie 

Kim Foo, one of the final hot rider 

Secara keseluruhan, hampir semua 'race favourites' telah layak ke acara final.

Edisi petang