Friday, 22 July 2011

Hardcore Fans - Snapshots From The Trail Running Gang

Since the ever growing of mountain biking scene lately, fans have been significantly enrich the lively atmosphere and diehard as ever. Proven in the Kiara Race recently, more and more fans came to witness the best mountain bike action can offer. 

"trail runners" fans at the kiara race trail running in-between trail to spot how their counterpart tackling obstacles i.e. chasing the off-road peloton!. (location: shortcut trail at the upper triple terrace). Photo by jason koh
No doubt, the newly race track, "the office" is amazingly spectator friendly and thus encourage fans to go beyond their usual spot, to go for the thrills in the trail where "rare" actions can be witnessed.

"at the 'coronary bypass' - newly popular spot for fans to watch actions with 360 degree view. Lower right  , is the 'overtime and 3 rollers', go straight for view to the 'bridge', and upper left, is the 'bypass' on the way to 'golf view'.
Photo by Nissan 'scott' Sunny
Leong on the bridge. The rider in-front, panic run. Photo by Nissan 'scott' Sunny

Fans at the 'bridge' watching rider gasping after the tough climb. Photo by Nissan 'scott' Sunny
'at the bypass'. Note, (far below) fans gathered before the  switchback.
After the 'bypass' action, fans do their trail running to 'golf view', where the trailbuilder, Mr. Flinstone purposely carved an 'earth bench' for him to relax during the trailbuilding works while watching golfer do the 'birdies'. See photo below.

Johnny trail runs at 'upper bypass' chasing the rider, on the way to  'golf view'.
At the 'golf view'.


...three...!! the 3 level switchback up to short circuit.

and last but not least, the most popular spot, triple terrace.