Monday, 16 February 2015

Rockface Thriller

780mm handlebar diehards, watch your steps. photo by jason koh

We reach the much awaited Rockface, only after  7 months since the idea popped-up. Yeah, happy, clappy, puppy!

(syed anaz and ron jeremy were the trail-gosippin' topic of the day.. *sigh*)

Deep and closer contour lines from topomap proves how steep this section was in reality.

First switchback apparently nasty,  dark curve edges at some of the section got to be reinforced, with tambak 
johor kind of thing.

4 hours of free labor (with love), only 15 meters of trail built. But deep inside, huge relief to hear the sound of Twin Gorge. 

Kong He Fat Choy!

Days without riding: 21

".. we couldn't care less what kind of suspension design your full-carbon bomber utilizes;
Grow a beard and go ride!"